Kalawao, Koolau Molokai Real Estate

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Kalawao encompasses the northernmost point of Molokai. It is home to Molokai Forest Reserve, Kalaupapa National Historical Park, Palaau State Park, as well as seabird sanctuaries and stunning sea cliffs.

From 1866 to 1969 the peninsula that is now Kalaupapa National Historical Park was also the location for those quarantined with leprosy on the Hawaiian Islands. The disease is no longer contagious, and most have left, with only a few remaining in the small settlement of churches and homes in the park. Small tour groups with permits visit the park by hiking in or observing from the overlook.

This picturesque region is also home to the world’s tallest sea cliffs that tower around 3,000 to 4,000 feet and visible from Palaau State Park, Kalaupapa National Historical Park, or by boat or helicopter.